Blog | The Real Meaning Of ..... Altruism

The Real Meaning Of ..... Altruism


Author : Thomas | Jul 3, 2018



去钓。如果你想要⼀年的幸福,继承⼀笔财富。如果你想终⽣幸 福, 



The Idea..... of helping others is intrinsically built into every one of us since the early days of civilization but somehow we manage to distance ourselves from this basic concept of finding happiness. How and does altruism actually help us with our life's journey? These days homo sapiens (our species) are suffering from a global epidemic of poor mental health. Depression, anxiety, excessive stress are leading too many of us to a dark future.

A Short Story:

A couple of days back, my wife was reading the daily newspaper as a part of her morning ritual learning about what is actually happening around us. All of a sudden she said “oh!! Anthony Bourdain committed suicide, Now Anthony after Kate (Kate Spade)- why in the world people having everything are committing suicides”.

This got me thinking— is it really money, fame or power that gives us a sense of fulfillment and inner peace or is there something else. We all know developing high-quality relationships and a sense of meaning and purpose in life is important for overall wellbeing.

A recent article published in The Journal of Positive Psychology by Daryl Van suggested that people who engage in different altruistic behaviors (such as volunteering or just expressing prosocial emotion) find a greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives and thereby live a healthy life. Sometimes it seems quite simple i.e. we beam with happiness when we help others or are able to make difference in someone’s life.

Balancing Our Health with ....."Giving".....

There appears to be a direct relation between overall wellbeing and giving our resources (skills, time or money) to a cause that we feel driven about. Another study published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology details that when we choose to engage in prosocial actions, it helps to meet our own basic psychological needs for freedom of choosing our actions, capability, and relatedness (to others).

     The above studies suggest that maybe some basic acts of kindness and helping others are beneficial for our own human needs and health. Also, it is needless to say that small gestures and random acts of kindness really do make a difference, so I believe at the end it all comes down to just finding the key to unlock the approach that fits us and when we do, then the more we give, the more we stand to gain. That is the real meaning and purpose of altruism.

If you guys are still thinking what are those weird looking Chinese characters doing on top of this article, it is a Chinese proverb which means:-


“If you want to be happy for an hour, take a nap. If you want a happy day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, just help "others.” 


We at Tommy's Team hope more and more of us will come to finally realize that the truth to permanent and real .....Happiness" is through being Altruistic..... Sharing and Caring for each other. That is the only way to real Peace, Joy, Health, and Happiness. Now it's up to you to find your Joy.  You can do the needful by joining us and registering at we can all be....."HAPPY"....Thanks....We hope this was helpful. Feel free to make any suggestions that will help us all..... 

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