Blog | Single Parents: Juggling Home And Family Routines At The Same Time

Single Parents: Juggling Home And Family Routines At The Same Time


Author : Thomas | May 29, 2018

Being a parent while working a full-time job, at the same time can indeed be a really tough call. And it gets progressively tougher if you’re doing it all alone, without the usual societal ‘shock absorbers’ of a spouse, friends, and family.  Ultimately, life as a single parent can also bring a new, diverse set of challenges in terms of childcare that can be really difficult to handle and subsequently overcome. And this holds true even more so if you have really small kids to take care off, in the bargain.

But nevertheless, your universal and all-encompassing love for your kids coupled with your overwhelming desire to be highly professional in your workplace can also help you to both jumps any hurdle that might come your way, but also, at the same time, help you become a really great parent in the bargain.

Yes, it may not be the easiest of prepositions. But if you are both willing and able to focus on your family’s needs, while simultaneously aiming to find a good balance between your professional and your home life, and at the same time, manage to take some quality time out for yourself in pursuit of hobbies and relationships, then it is quite possible for you to easily conquer this thing. Yes, it is perhaps almost inevitable that you will probably have some really tough times, but you will become all the stronger because of the same and what is more, your kids will be so, too! Let us see how:

Handling The Diverse Logistician Responsibilities Of Childcare

Here it is important to emphasize the creation of a well-rounded schedule for both you as well as your young ones. As a matter of fact, you will all too quickly find out, that caring for your children can also become a whole lot easier provided that you were to get them to follow a uniform schedule. Some of the common parts of such a schedule can mean having a set dinner time where all of you not only get to eat together but also take the time out to discuss your day. Furthermore, you can make your bedtime routine even more interesting for them by telling them stories provided that they are already in bed at (more or less) the same time, every night.

You can always vector in some extra and co-curricular like dance class and soccer into this schedule, as well, by making sure that it remains flexible enough to entertain such requests from your children. It will be a good idea to place a whiteboard that will prominently display this schedule in the more popular places in your home, such as on the dining room wall or in your kitchen so that both you and the kids will be able to easily remember their respective schedules.

Selecting A High-Quality Day Care Center And School

Many single parents worry about the time that their kids spend in the company of relative strangers. This not only affects their productivity quite negatively but at the same time, it also means that they look at many child care providers with (understandable) concern. This is why the single parent in question should do his or her homework thoroughly, with regard to the daycare centers available in the district, and only select the ones with the most stellar reputation. They can ask their friends and neighbors to provide information about the various child care centers out there.

Moreover, they should also opt for those centers that are closer to their workplace and home so that in case of an emergency it will be possible for the parent to reach the center, as soon as possible. It will also be a prudent gesture to read online reviews and also talk to the staff members and child care service providers, at the center.

Family And Friends Also Make S Great Support Base

While the care of your kids is your own personal responsibility, but it does not always have to be this way, as such. You can also try and enlist the help of your family members as well as extended circle of trusted friends to help you cope with your child-rearing responsibilities.

Make Mornings A Whole Lot Easier Simply By Making Preparations One Night Before

It is not a wise decision to wake up early in the morning to a scene of bedlam and utter chaos. That is, while simultaneously trying to figure out what to make them for breakfast and lunch and also trying to get them all washed and dressed up properly at the same time. However, if you were to pick out their dresses a night earlier and wash and iron the same, then it will make life a whole lot easier, come next morning. You can also go for easy breakfast items such as fresh fruit, bagels, and cereal. It will also not hurt to ask the young ones to help out with some of the more simpler stuff. This way, they will not only be able to participate in their own dressing and eating activities but also learn a bit of responsibility in the long run as well.


In the light of the above discussion, it can easily be seen that it is quite possible for single parents to juggle their home as well as their career-related responsibilities, easily enough, in spite of the fact that they may have very young dependents. We, at Tommy’s Team, encourage single mothers and fathers to acquire an education and to progress in their careers, to the best of their abilities. We also actively work to make the community around us a better place to live in and would want and like “you” to send us “your” ideas so that we can continue our mission of helping out single parents as well as their offspring. You can join us simply by registering at Join...."To Help Others".....

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