Blog | Different Ways to Help Single Parents Help Reduce The Stress Of Their Day To Day Lives

Different Ways to Help Single Parents Help Reduce The Stress Of Their Day To Day Lives


Author : Thomas | Jun 6, 2018



Being a single parent is not really the easiest of prepositions and this holds even more true if one is already working fulltime to put food on the table, as it is. The huge demands of juggling careers and the needs of the little ones can take a toll on even the toughest of people. I am sure we have all experienced this; one time or another, right?

If they are not able to cope, then it will not just be themselves who suffer. Their young ones will be in a similar, if not worse predicament. This is why it is doubly important for them to control the stress in their lives as much as they possibly can. Here are a few pointers that can help single parents cope with the stress of their day to day lives, as much as they can.

o Always Look After Yourself

This is the single most important thing you should do. Many, if not most single parents who are devoid of the safety net of a loving spouse and other extended family members, are known to ignore their own health and needs due to their very own hectic lifestyle. I am sure there are many parents who put their love one's way above themseles in all areas of their lives; right? But the main takeaway of this point is that, if one is not able to take care of one’s own self, then how on earth will he or she (as the case may be) will be able to take care of the little children? Especially since the latter are almost entirely dependent on their parents for their each and every need?

I myself can remember, while getting ready for take off the stewardest on the plane explained that if the oxegen masks come down the first thing for an adult or parent to do is to take the mask for themselves and then help apply to the children. Well I thought that seemed like a very selfish thing to do until it was explained to me. If the parents or adults don't take care of themselves first the children may die.

Also, If for instance, a single mom, becomes sick due to overwork, then her kids will be the ones who suffer along with her. This suffering will increase exponentially because there will be no one else left to take care of them.

Here, the main thing to do is to partake of a healthy and nutritious diet while also trying to include physical activities as part of the day to day routine. Apart from that, it is also extremely important to get plenty of sleep as well, due to the fact that sleep deprivation can also lead to various other health related issues. It is also important to understand that one should take breaks from work every now and then, lest work becomes the ‘be all and end all’ of their existence. Going out with friends and family members is an excellent diversion that can help decrease stress,quite substantially.

o Try And Get A Proper Handle On Your Day To Day Finances



Arguably, one of the single hardest aspects of raising a family on the income of just one person only, can effectively be one of the toughest jobs of being a single parent in today’s increasingly fast paced society. That is why it is of great important to take the right steps in a bid to budget your monetary resources. In fact, it will not be amiss to learn extensively about long term investments, for your kids’ future; such as college plans and even your own retirement. You can also look into working at home re: How to make money while at home; online. This has proven to be the very best and most affordable way to earn a significant amoun't of money from the safety of your home.

Moreover, if the time and financial constraints allow, it would be a good idea to go back to school and earn a degree so as to further your financial prospects, in the long term.

The Importance OPf Setting Up A Comprehensive Support System

It is certainly no secret that single parents also need help sooner or later, in their lives. It could be for something as innocuous as a shoulder to rest your head on if you are feeling particularly overwhelmed, all the way to having your neighbor watch over your kids while you go out and run a few important errands. Here, you should not let your ego get in the way of taking such tiny favors, in spite of being really tempted to handle just about everything on your very own.



It is perfectly all right to go ahead and ask trusted friends and family members for any sort of help whatsoever. Apart from that, there do exist quite a few a single parent support groups as well, that will help you in both baby sitting and housekeeping duties in return for your own support for the same, in other member’s households.

o Follow A Proper Day To Day Routine

As a single parent, it is the need of the hour for you to play the part of both the respective parents, irrespective of the fact that you are either at home or for that matter, at work. This has to be done so that you can easily sustain both yourself as well as your extended family too.

This is precisely why your needs must follow a proper and set routine where you can also schedule the right and proper time for children’s bedtime, meal times, homework, and various other tasks as and when required. This is very important because it will help to create a highly automated schedule so that your children will also know precisely what to expect, and when to accept it.

o Conclusion

In the light of the above discussion, we can now easily see that it is quite possible for single parents to be able to relieve themselves from the stress they feel, by being forced by circumstances to multi task both their home as well as their career linked responsibilities.  And what is more, they can also learn to do the needful even if their kids are very young indeed. We, at Tommy’s Team also encourage many such single mothers and fathers to take care of themselves as well as their careers, to the best of their abilities.

We also actively work to make the community around us, a much better place to live in and therefore we will want and like “you” to send us “your”ideas so that we too could potentially continue our enduring mission of helping out single parents as well as their offspring. You can join us just simply by registering at You might want to go to the About Us Page and then proceed to the "Wishing Well".......    Like....Join.....and.... Share....To Help Others....Thanks.....





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